Heart and soul behind the camera…

Tag Archives: Music

With the intention to help aide our youngest sister’s college expenses, one of my siblings, Mikee Samson, joined Hey Chiko Open Talent Contest on Youtube.


She covers a Filipino song entitled Akap which is originally popularized by the band, Imago. Akap means to embrace or to hug.

Sometimes when we are sad or in trouble, the best way to feel relieved was to have somebody to hug us tight while we are crying. That was what the song offers.

Akap was about helping a loved one whose life seemed in no direction due to wrong decisions that were made. The song was letting our loved one know that he was not alone and that somebody is always ready to reach out and be there through thick and thin.

Click HERE to see my younger sister singing  AKAP.

Currently, there are 2.1K views and 383 Likes on YouTube. Since this is a contest, she needs to get more LIKEs because the video with the most number of LIKES until March 4, 2019 will get to win a cash prize that is a big help for the family.


Our family will truly appreciate all your help. You can also share the video with your friends if you like how she sings the song and if she makes you feel hugged through music.

We hope you enjoy watching the video and feeling the song. We’re sending virtual hugs to you through a love song.

We wish you love. *Hugs*